Monday, February 22, 2010

Not so Nucelar Free any more

When my family moved from California to MD in 1989 and we took up residence in Rogers Forge, there was a sign that always seemed to grab my eye. It was not very big or imposing, just a simple black and white 8x10 metal sign riveted to a stop sign post that also happened to be the border between Baltimore County and Baltimore City. It was at the the corner of Charles St and Gittings Ave, and said "Baltimore, A Nuclear Free Zone."

The sign was there for years, with no real explanation of what it meant. It was still there when I moved to PA in 2005 - perhaps a relic of a bygone era. But I do remember that people in Baltimore and Baltimore County did not like nuclear power in the late 80s and early 90s.

It is interesting how the views on nuclear energy have changed over the past 21 years. During President Obama's speech in Lanham MD last week, he hinted that Maryland would be getting fed backed loans to build a new nuke plant in the very near future. It should seem that Maryland is slated to have one of the the first a dozen new nuclear reactors built on US soil since Three Mile Island in 1979. According to the press this morning, the Baltimore buzz has been very positive.

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