Monday, February 22, 2010

It has been a week....

Ever have one of those weeks where things just don't seem to go right? I'm guessing that a few of us had them last week while we dealt with the aftermath of the snow.

Baltimore was paralyzed all week, with major arteries into the city being restricted to single lanes as late as Thursday. Accidents amplified due to the fact that there was often no way around them if you got caught near one. There were several days last week where I spent 4 hours commuting to work my 8 hour day.

And then, of course, the catch up work. "Hey, Zach, I was supposed to give this to you last week, but we were closed. This two week project needs to be done by Friday." "Hey, we need 2 more site visits scheduled this week for action by the end of the month." "Can you come visit us at the remote campuses? We can't get some tech working, IT is too busy, and you can usually get it working faster anyhow. Plan to spend a full day out in the Columbia AND Timonium campuses."

So, it all got done somehow. Friday arrives, and I kiss my wife goodbye while she takes an extended weekend at OC with her girl friends. An estrogen filled outlet shopping bonanza; I am happy to be left behind to hold down the fort with my son.

Until I checked my email while the little guy was napping...

"Hey, Zach. Those trips you planned, we need to reschedule them. I know I said to do it by the end of this month, but now we want them scheduled for mid next month so we have more time to prep. Get it worked out this weekend and call me Monday with our schedule."

"Happy Monday, commuters. For those of you on the inbound Harrisburg and JFX, there are multiple accidents at Mt Carmel and 28th. Best call the office, as you are getting nowhere fast."

And thats why I'm bloging at 11 AM Monday rather then over the weekend like I had planned.

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