Sunday, March 21, 2010

USB 3 is comming

Easily transportable data storage has always been something that I have been interested in, even before I worked in technology. I was one of the few people that bought Jazz drives in the late 1990s. I did not know what I would ever do with one whole gig of storage, but I knew I wanted it.

Of course, tech has advanced a lot since then. USB2 revolutionized storage with the advent of the flash drives. However as drives got bigger, USB2's slower transfer rate became the limiting factor. An 8 gig flash drive can take over 20 minutes to move data into. While the small size makes them handy in a pinch, the slow transfer rate make them unwieldy for use in applications where speed is needed.

USB3, which has been delayed now for almost a year, is supposed to come on line in 2011. When it does, the higher throughput will make using larger drives in situations where speed counts a possibility.

Depending on your source, USB3 is to have a theoretical throughput of 4.8gbps. Though that speed will not be possible in real world applications, even 50% of that speed will still be 10 times faster then USB2. USB3 will also provide more power to devices then USB2. Even so, the USB3 will throttle back the power when it is not needed. It will also be fully compatible with USB2 devices.

It is going to be a major improvement.

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